Environment Management System

Environment Management System

We are committed to maintaining certification to the BS EN ISO 14001:2015 standard and our Environmental Management Systems is detailed in this manual.  We recognise the need to conserve the natural environment of the waters under their control through sound environmental management. Environmental policies for the Ports will ensure, wherever possible, that duties carried out by harbour staff and recreational and commercial activities within the areas of jurisdiction will take place without any adverse effects on the quality of the environment.

EnvCOP CoverOur Objectives, Targets and Opportunities will be made available on-line and at the Harbour Offices to all staff, interested parties and harbour stakeholders and are reviewed annually. Educating and training employees and raising awareness with stakeholders, interested parties and the public, on the importance of conserving and enhancing the environment will contribute to achieving environmental our goals.

The waters within the control of the Harbour Authorities are of National and European importance and include many areas that have an environmental designation i.e. Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Heritage Coast, Special Area of Conservation, Special Protection Area and Marine Conservation Zones.


As a proud member of British Marine we actively promote The Green Blue, a joint environmental awareness programme created by the Royal Yachting Association and British Marine. Posters are dotted around our harbours and information  leaflets for users can be collected at Harbour Offices or downloaded by clicking on the below.

Coastal Boating Anchoring Antifoul Wildlife Guide For Boaters



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